This prime time television event, which has just celebrated its 18th season in the United States, will give one Australian bachelor and various bachelorettes a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to find true love. Hosted by Osher Günsberg, The Bachelor Australia follows the Bachelor and the Bachelorettes on a romantic series of elaborate single and group dates, resulting in a rose ceremony where the Bachelor presents a single rose to the ladies that he would like to get to know more. As the series reaches its climax, the Bachelor will invite a few special Bachelorettes to spend the night with him on individual overnight dates in a beautiful location. This is the prelude to the nail-biting finale where the Bachelor must select the one woman that has won his heart. And to the question that will be on everybody's lips come finale: will the Bachelor pop the question?
Movie time
Directed by
Osher Günsberg, Blake Garvey, Sam Frost
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