One night at a friend's house party, a somewhat confident Dave meets a cool and artistic girl named Aubrey. She helps him with his romantic feelings for Jane. They talk about Dave's feelings, and he believes he should tell Jane how he feels. They soon get interrupted by the cops showing up, but decide to walk home together. As the weekend begins, the new friends start to hang out, as well as discuss their relationship... And their virginity. Dave becomes more and more interested in Aubrey, and she reciprocates. Even though she is involved with Roni (her soon to be ex), she has trouble denying her true feelings for Dave. There is one problem, however, Dave is going off to college in another city. Aubrey still has one year left of high school. Will they be able to handle a long distance relationship? Is their love strong enough? Or will Dave chose Jane, the girl of his dreams instead.
Movie time
95 min
Directed by
Jonathan Kasdan
Dylan O'Brien, Britt Robertson, Victoria Justice
Rotten Tomatoes
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