Malik and Imani (Cory Hardrict and Jasmine Burke) are a young African American married couple who have just moved into a predominantly white suburban neighborhood near Atlanta, Georgia from where Malik owns and operates a local community center. However, their next door neighbor happens to be a middle-aged white woman named Karen Drexler (Taryn Manning). Karen is a closeted racist, and she doesn't want to share the area with Malik and Imani, and will stop at nothing to drive them away, including getting her equally racist police officer brother Mike Wind (Roger Dorman) involved. The targeted black lovers seek assistance from a civil rights attorney named Charles Wright (Gregory Alan Williams) in retaliation. But, Karen will go to any lengths to try to drive Malik and Imani away from unsuccessfully trying to seduce Malik, to installing security cameras in front of her house, to meddling in their daily business by using the fact that she is the head of the local Homeowners Association, getting Malik and Imani kicked out of local restaurant, to faking being in danger to get the police involved, etc.
Movie time
89 min
Directed by
Coke Daniels
Taryn Manning, Cory Hardrict, Jasmine Burke
Rotten Tomatoes
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