B.J. Novak's The Premise is a daring and ambitious new half-hour anthology series about individuals facing timeless moral questions in unprecedented times. Choosing art instead of argument to engage with the most relevant issues of our times, it's sure to be a conversation starter. Hosted by Novak, featuring an exceptional roster of stars and next generation talent, each standalone episode of The Premise explores the biggest questions of our modern era. Gun control, identity, social justice, sex, capitalism, revenge, love, fame, social media - no topic is off limits. Combining a searching philosophical spirit with provocative concepts, and marrying bold comedic ideas with even bolder dramatic performances, The Premise creates an original tone for the new age. The Premise takes the topics we text about privately and brings them into the open, delivering three-dimensional, character-driven stories with humor and heart.
Movie time
30 min
Directed by
Jon Bernthal, Daniel Dae Kim, Ben Platt
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