The American Secret Service sends their best agent, OSS 117, to investigate a number of political murders that the police were not able to prevent. Disguised as a ruthless killer, 'William Chandler', OSS 117 will penetrate the terrorist organization just when it is preparing the murder of Heindrich Van Dyck, the UN delegate to the Middle-East peace process. 117 will use a fake killing of Van Dyck, and substitute corpses, trying to dupe the criminal master mind, Dr. Saadi. Only, the Major is too clever, abducts Aicha, and 117 must fight both for his life (as he must take a daily antidote for a drug he was injected with), Aicha's endangered life, and passing the information of the whereabouts of the terrorists headquarters to the Army before it's too late... Too much for OSS 117?
Movie time
91 min
Directed by
Renzo Cerrato, Jean-Pierre Desagnat, André Hunebelle
John Gavin, Margaret Lee, Curd Jürgens
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