Juliet lives in a beautiful house by the ocean. Her sisters, and especially her mother, overshadow her with their beauty. She is spiritual, superstitious, and naive. Soon after she visits a psychic seer who tells her that she must follow the sex trade in order to be happy, she meets her eccentric, sexy neighbour Suzy, who appears to be a high-class prostitute and encourages Juliet into sexual acts which make her guilty and nervous. On a rare night that sees her husband at home, she awakens to hear him talking to another woman on the phone. He calls out the name "Gabriella" in his sleep, then lies when she she questions him, but she finds out who Gabriella is and fears her husband will leave her. Then she starts having visions who accuse and terrorize her. The pinnacle of the visions comes at the end where it is implied she realizes she would be better off without her husband and is ultimately emotionally emancipated.
Movie time
137 min
Directed by
Federico Fellini
Giulietta Masina, Sandra Milo, Mario Pisu
Rotten Tomatoes
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